Trip Initiator: Steve Spadoni
Expenses/Fees: $65.00/kayak Estimate - Mothership (Captain tip is separate). Settle with Capt Van
Trip Description:
Note that this is Trip #3 for 2023...
This is a weekend campout on the beach at Rahal Bayou on the west end of Pringle Lake. The location is on the bay side of Matagorda Island, a bit west of the Matagorda Island park.
We will depart Thursday, May 18th, from Clark's Marina, returning from Rahal Bayou on Sunday, May 21st. Attendees must be a current PACK member, dues and waiver complete.
Note that this is a 4 day/3 night trip. We can add a 3 day/2 night trip option if there is enough interest. Please let me know.
How to Sign Up: If you want to go, login, and click the link below to automatically have your name added to the list.
How to Get There: We will depart from Clark's Marina on 7th Street in Port O'Connor.
MAPS / Photos of Interest:
What to Pack/Bring:
See Standard PACK List for items to consider for any PACK outing
Important items:
- VHF Radio for communication and emergency contact
- First Aid Kit
- Lunch, Water, snacks
- Kayak Drift Sock
- Anchor and/or Stake-Out Stick
- Foul Weather Gear
REQUIRED READING: Recommended guidelines for participates:
- Make sure trip leader or an officer has your emergency contact
- Notify the trip leader if you have any potential concerns
- If inexperienced, then buddy up. Make sure the trip leader knows your experience level
- Communicate with the trip leader, if you are unsure of your skill level required
- Member dues are current
- Guests are invited to particpate
- Have performed deep water entries
- Carry a first aid kit
- Have a life jacket
- Have a VHF radio
- Inform the trip leader of your float plan if planning to fish alone or longer then the designated times
- Sign in and sign out at the launch site. Inform the trip leader if you will be launching in a different place
Recommended for Trip Leaders:
- Insures proper authorizations
- Secure sites
- Prepare emergency preparedness plan
- Keep abreast of weather conditions that might effect the trip
- Point out any potential area hazards
- Maintain a head count
- Have available a first aid kit
- Have a VHF radio
Fishing Options: East, West, North
Guest Participants:
(We prefer for you to create a login account on this website so that you can have your name added to the auto register list below. If you don't have a registered login account on this website we can list your name here; please contact the trip leader to request your name to manually added. If you have a login account then use the enroll feature at the top of this page to become part of the auto enroll list below)
How to Sign Up:
If you want to go, login, and click the link below to automatically have your name added to the list.
How to Get There:
MAPS / Photos of Interest: